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parasites project
uploaded my contribution to the server:
samples from the parasites cd were selected at random and assembled on
the fly with one of my max/msp applications. the application mixes
automated and user controlled: looping, sequence pattern generation,
and dsp effects for a sort of spontaneous composition environment. i
recorded a short improvisation session, then selected an interesting
passage for the finished piece. the name is kind of a metaphor for
the parasites project inspired by the excerpt below.
The entire animal consists of a single cell which is variously modified;
but in many species a number of these simple zooids are united together so as
to form a compound body or organism, as in the Foraminifera and Vorticell[ae].
The reproduction takes place by fission, or by the breaking up of the contents
of the body after encystment, each portion becoming a distinct animal, or in
other ways, but never by true eggs. The principal divisions are Rhizopoda,
Gregarin[ae], and Infusoria.