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Call for Entries at Ontomuse.com deadline jan 30, 2002
Call for Entries.
(this document at http://ontomuse.com/exhibits.html)
Ontomuse (http://ontomuse.com} - A new exhibition space of the Ontological
Museum (http://ontologicalmuseum.org} is now seeking submissions for an
exhibition of art sound.
Our first Exhibition at http://ontomuse.com/ will be an exhibit of trends in
Micro Sound, Lowercase Sound, etc.
We are now accepting one work per artist up to 2 megs in size. All works
will be included in the exhibition.
Dead Line is Jan 30, 2002 - Exhibition will open Feb 15 2002 and continue
through April
To submit a work for this exhibit please place your work on the internet and
then drop a note to us with the exact address of the work being submitted.
The work in the exhibition will be
accessed from the location where you have published it. For instance...
I have a work at: http://touchon.com/soundcollages/chochos.mp3
If this were in the exhibition it would be left at its location of origin
and would be linked as such...
Cecil Touchon Chochos [MP3 file - 36kb] 2001 A sound created by rolling
some small homeopathic pills around in a large steel bowl. Such small pills
are called in Spanish 'chochos' hence the title of the work. (with the title
linked to the mp3 file)
All works for the exhibition will be in .mp3 format.
Please include a link to your webpage if you have one, notes about the
specific work such as above and any additional notations about your work
including the country in which you are working.
Cecil Touchon, Director
What is ontomuse?
pref. Existence; being (as in ontology)
To be absorbed in one's thoughts; engage in meditation.
To consider or say thoughtfully
A state of meditation.
To think closely; to study in silence; to meditate.
To wonder.
Wonder, or admiration.
Greek Mythology. Any of the nine daughters of Mnemosyne and Zeus, each
of whom presided over a different art or science. The names of the Muses
were Calliope, Clio,
Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene, Polymnia or Polyhymnia, Terpsichore, Thalia,
and Urania.
A guiding spirit.
A source of inspiration.
muse A poet.
A particular power and practice of poetry.
1. Hence, ontomuse is the artistic state of meditating upon; being inspired
by; in wonder of Being and the poetic response that such an artistic state
gives rise to.