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Re: [microsound] Re: 12k presents: term.
Andrei <andrei@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
: Pure data huh ? What's that supposed to mean anyway ? Why can't you just
: say they're mp3 only releases and instead spew off all that other
: pretentious nonsense. I suppose if I download a Britney Spears mp3 that
: would also be "pure data and imageless sound information" since I didn't
: buy a cd I can hold in my hand.
There's been a lot of breast-beating on the list of late, so I'll
try and keep this low-key.
It seems to me that there is a major difference between a product that
is conceived as packaging, right down to Ms. Spear's carefully groomed
navel, and one where there deliberately is no packaging. Similarly, there
is a major difference between a sound recording which ostensibly consists
of the musical sounds emitted by the owner of that navel and other people
selected by her handlers, and a recording that not only isn't of a person
or persons, but isn't sound emitted by any physical object at all.
This all may make no asthetic or philisophical difference to you. I've
no problem with that; go live in peace. It makes a difference to me,
and it makes a difference to others on this list.