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Scott Allison (live)

Hello everyone,

OK, I finally decided to release that live set that I was going to send out as a cdr as an mp3 that is resting in the uploads folder in the hotline microsound folder.

For those that may be new to the list...

The set is about 20 minutes long, its a live mix I performed in tampa bay that was broadcast over a local priate radio station. The material is was a preview off what I performed at the no-compression festival in Syracuse NY last April.

Please note the recording was made to a fairly poor tape deck that was recieving the signal live, there is a heavy ground hum that you hear in the more quiet parts, but otherwise it is what it is. Please feel free to email me if you like or hate it, I would love to get some feedback from people on this list.

Ok, enjoy...
-Scott Allison

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