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I'll start a live crusher-X tutorial in the newsgroup!
Dear friends of good sound,
it seems that the new crusherX-Live 2.40 version is stable and the most people are satisfied with the new features. So i have a little more time to promote the new created crusher-X newsgroup (you may like to subscibe at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/crusherx).
I decided to write the next weeks in this newsgroup a tutorial how to use the crusher to create extreme sounds!
Starting the next days i like to give the subscribed people an overview about the features and a detailed description of the crusher-X functions. The subscribed people will have access to a file-area with demo-files that illustrates the current tutorials step. And i would be very happy we come into a discussion about this very special sound synthesis field.
And this will be the tutorials topics:
*** HOW TO START ***
- How to install that beast and how to solve installation problems
- Talk about ASIO, DirectX, MIDI, VST and all that Device stuff (may be that take some time;-)
- We will diskuss a little about optimizing your Audio-Setting
- Take a quick look at the Option Dialog
- Starting the Engine the first time: Hear the first crusher Sound
- A little walk over the interface and windows, turn some knobs, listen to the output
- Explaining the crushers top level structure. Understanding the DSP-Window
- Experiment with the Sampler
- The DCO: The Source!
- The Mixer and how to manage Live-Input
- Understanding the IO and File-Window
- The Recording Panel
- What the morphing feature really does
1st Call for Sounds:
Create your own unique sound (people can present their crusher-sheets in the file-area)
- The crushers Heart: Explaining the vapor modulations:
- Length/Pause/Delay
- Speed/Direction
- Volume/Pan
- Filter
- What the hell is the cloud-modulation? How to use it.
- Understanding the cloud-Window
- Morphing and the Vapor
2st Call for Sounds:
Create your own unique sound (people can present their crusher-sheets in the file-area)
*** THE BUFFER ***
- Some talk about the buffer, buffersize
- Why using different windows?
- Trigger the buffer manual and automatic
- Morphing and the Buffer
- Create Feedbacks
- The Limiter
- The Stereo-Booster
3st Call for Sounds:
Create your own unic sound (people can present their crusher-sheets in the file-area)
- Using the Physical Model Field
- Using the Loadlist
- Morphing and the Loadlist, some special cases!
- Using MIDI
- Shake your body: How to use Force-Feedback-Devices
- Randomize It! Creating sounds on the fly!
- Setup a multichannel environment
- Setup a sound installation
- Setup a sequencer environment
Last Call for Sounds:
This will be a little contest. People can vote their best crusher-sound of the year 2002 ;-)
And if you have still questions and ideas the discussion will going on and on and on...
So if you don´t want to miss the lections, please subscribe now to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/crusherx
We will start the next days!
Hope that will bring us together and to a new understanding of sound and music. And you may already know: It?s more than sound, it?s more than music, it?s really fun!
Best wishes
P.S. If you feel something is missing in the topics, please start discussion!
P.P.S. And please forgive my poor english!
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- Joerg Stelkens (Dipl.-Ing.) -
- -
- buero </stelkens> muenchen -
- Kunst- Klang und Medienproduktionen -
- in der [alten conditorei] -
- Adlzreiterstr. 14 -
- 80337 Munich -
- Germany -
- -
- mail: bs-muenchen@xxxxxxxxxxx -
- info: info@xxxxxxxxxxx -
- privat: joerg@xxxxxxxxxxx -
- -
- buero: 0049-(0)89/76755804 -
- fax: 0049-(0)89/74747859 -
- mobil: 0049-(0)162/7029409 -
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- current projects: -
- http://www.stelkens.de -
- http://www.syncMaker.com -
- http://www.crusher-x.de -
- http://www.crusher-x.com -
- http://www.t-u-b-e.de -
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- coming soon: -
- http://www.synthcam.com -
- http://www.virtual-theremin.com -
- http://www.synthresearch.com -
- http://www.synthresearch.de -
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