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d&g pt2

>I find it very hard understand how books like A Thousand Plateaus can=20
>become fashionable. It took me three years of reading and rereading to=20=
>really _get_ Deleuze and Guattari, especially in A Thousand Plateaus.=20
>How can such dense writing feed the ravenous metabolism of fashion?

I've been reading/re-reading OTP for six years now and still am
discovering/understanding ideas that astound me...a good companion book to
any D&G text is "Negotiations" by Deleuze...in it he demystifies a lot of
d&g concepts and if memory serves me, he even denies being a deleuzian...
I like the fact that he wants people to take his/their ideas and use them,
mutate them, mix them, destroy them, etc

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