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transmediale: club + sideevent
Transmediale is next week in Berlin, and I am looking forward to meeting a
few of you there. Get in touch off-list if you'll be in town! I've included
the club program, which runs substantially longer than the conference
itself, below. Please note fellow [microsound] purveyors Bip-Hop and
Mutek... Please also have a look at the side-event at the Kunstfabrik, as I
will be running an edition of the Acoustic.Space.Lab open-source sampling
project there.
club transmediale Program
Tuesday, February 5th
22:00 Initialize
Laub (de) - www.kitty-yo.de | Kyborg (de) feat. Sarah Marrs (us) | Selector
Weiser (de) - www.shitkatapult.com video: anna wagner (de)
www.neueberlinerinitiative.de | video: minuszero (nl) - www.minuszero.org
special guest: Nikakoi (ge), www.wmfrec.de
special screening guest: Andreas Schimanski (de) - launch_coaster (2001) -
Wednesday, February 6th
21:00 Fractured
Abstract digital videoclips by Porter Ricks, Curd Duca, Dettinger, Speedy J
and others - video screening programme of the Amsterdam festival Sonic Acts
2001, compiled by video artist and VJ Lucas van der Velde aka minuszero.
walking on ice (2001) - audio by frank bretschneider/ video by lia +
revdesign hintergrund (mogway remix) (2000) - audio by pluramon / video by
eric bernaud dream (1999) - audio by curd duca / video by einar exposed
(1997) - audio by porter ricks / video by karen vanderbought pantone (2001)
- audio by to rococo rot / video by sebastian kutscher do dekor (2001) -
music by jan jelinek / video by sebastian kutscher telema (1999) - music by
to rococo rot / video by sebastian kutscher go! spastic (2001) - audio by
squarepusher / video by patrick o brien and shawn killebrew plaistow flex
out (2001) - audio by squarepusher / by mitch and pink the exploding
psychology (2001) - audio by squarepusher / video by kaspar daugaard and
stefan mylleager borax (endorphins remix)(2001) - audio by speedy j / video
by bong - ra + dlf Salt Lake Desert (2000) - audio by dettinger / video by
dlf fenisch (2001) - audio by phako / video by minuszero bolnes (2001) -
audio by eog / video by minuszero
22:30 Explore
@c + lia (at/pt) - www-at-c.org | www.re-move.org Thilges 3 (at) -
www.thilges.at Institut für Feinmotorik (CH) - www.staubgold.com
staalplaat-soundsystem (nl) - www.staalplaat.com Au (nl) - www.grond.org
Miko Mikona (Institut für physikalisch-semiotische Transformationen) -
Fourier-Tanzformation I+II (fi/es) Finz (de) -
Thursday, February 7th
21:00 Pop n
The dummy-term ?POP? serves a loose connection video works, which outline
role-models and templates for identification. Video screening programme
curated by Antje Weitzel and Mirjam Wenzel.
22:30 Pixelate
Micromusic (ch) - www.micromusic.net Mikron 64 (de) - www.mikron64.de Dis*ka
(de) - www.echokammer.de Enduro presents Infinte Justice (de) -
www.output64.com 386 DX (ru) - www.easylife.org/386dx/ Jim Avignon (de) -
www.jimavignon.com C-Men (nl) - www.geocities.com/thecmen/
Friday, February 8th
21:00 Temporary Spaces
On the hardware of club life - a lecture by photographer Martin Eberle and
Erratik Institute founder Heinrich Dubel. Only recently they published a
documentation on Berlin clubs, that unintendedly raised the question on the
continuation of Berlin club culture.
22:30 Demand
Pop Up (de) feat. the modernist + antonelli electric | Dettinger (de) |
Maximo Graesse (de) video by Bianca Strauch + guests (de) -
www.kompakt-net.de Daniel Meteo (de) - www.meteosound.net Bus (de) -
www.scape-music.com T.raumschmiere (de) - www.shitkatapult.com
Saturday, February 9th
21:00 Berlin Clubvideo
Second part of a documentation about the vivid visual scene of Berlin club
culture. Produced by visomat.inc, who since many years sign responsible for
the exeptional visual concept of Berlin's renowned club WMF. - Berlin
Clubvideo 2 - visomat.inc, 2001, 60 min - www.visomat.com
22:30 Go Mutek
Akufen (qu.ca) | Alain Mongeau (qu.ca) | Deadbeat (qu.ca) | Jetone (qu.ca) |
DJ Eric Mattson (qu.ca) - www.mutek.ca / www.force-inc.net Pole (de) -
www.scape-music.de video: visomat.inc (de) - www.visomat.com special guests:
slub (uk), www.slub.org
Sunday, February 10th
21:00 Selfmade
VJs present their custom designed video-software-tools, optimized for
real-time modification of video material and video mixing.
monitor.automatique (de) - pixmixmov | Frame Farmers (de) - flashmixer 2.0 |
Jaromil (it) - freeJ | minuszero (nl) - nato.0+55 patches | garderobe 23
(de) - m2v
22:30 AV-Clash
242 pilots (us/no) - www.miau-miau.com / www.wildlifeanalysis.org /
www.nervousvision.com Perspects (us) - www.ersatzaudio.com Gebrüder
Teichmann (de) - www.fest-platten.de monitor.automatique (de) -
monitor.automatique.de Frame Farmers (de) - www.framefarmers.de Jaromil (it)
- korova.dyne.org/jaromil.php minuszero (nl) - www.minuszero.org garderobe
23 (de) - www.garderobe23.de
Monday, February 11th
21:00 Column One
Two video works by artist collective Column One - a self reflexive
representation of the medium video, focussing on its possibilities of
decomposition and recombination as well as providing a pointed view on
social conditioning and the simulation of needs. Braunserver - Column One,
2001, 25 min | Hunter - Column One, 2001, 15 min
22:30 Bip Hop Generation
dj phillippe petit (fr) - www.bip-hop.com si-cut.db (uk) -
home.earthlink.net/~efrans/benford/ komet (de) - www.raster-noton.de video:
phase 4 (fr) | Zonk´t (fr)
Tuesday, February 12th
21:00 Fractured
Repetition of 06.02.- video screening programme of Sonic Acts Festivals
2001, Amsterdam, selected by Lucas van der Velde. - 60 min -
22:30 Interlace
Tarwater (de) + guests | video by Lillevän (ie) - www.kitty-yo.de
Wednesday, February 13th
21:00 Ambient Line 02
Repetition of the transmediale screening programme [9] of Sunday 10.2.
22:30 Process
Oval (de) | Alva Noto (de) - www.raster-noton.de | Ralph Steinbrüchl (ch) -
www.synchron.ch + video: Onlab (ch) | Annibale Picicci (de) - www.dense.de
Thursday, February 14th
21:00 YUV
Under the headline of this shorthand expression, signals deriving from a
zone cleared of any human marks will be received. They give evidence to an
ever-changing space between beats and cuts, between sound and color. - Video
Screening curated by Antje Weitzel and Mirjam Wenzel
22:30 Sensual
Styrofoam (be) - www.morrmusic.com | Christian Kleine (de) | Lali Puna (de)
- www.lalipuna.de | monitor.automatique (de) - monitor.automatique.de
Friday, February 15th
21:00 Audio Propaganda
Ken Hollings (uk) + Christian Conrad (de) - www.rechenzentrum.org Operation
Enduring Freedom: Christian Conrad (de), Nicolai Albrecht (de), Lillevän
(ie) - www.rechenzentrum.org Beta Bodega Coalition: - www.betabodega.de:
Dr.Faustus (us), La Mano Fria (us), Hamijama (us), El Pirata Blanco (nl)
Safety Scissors (us) - www.context.fm Twerk (us) - www.context.fm Kid606 (us
- www.tigerbeat6.com Gold Chains (us) - www.gold-chains-worldwide.com /
www.musork.com Pfadfinderei (de) - www.pfadfinderei.com
Saturday, February 16th
21:00 Audiotools
Robert Henke (de) - www.monolake.de / www.ableton.com Oliver Wittchow (de) -
22:30 Particle Playground
Luomo aka Vladislav Delay (fi) - www.force-inc.net | AGF/Delay (de/fi) |
Monolake (de) - www.monolake.de | Jan Jelinek (de) - www.scape-music.de |
Rechenzentrum (de) - www.rechenzentrum.org | video: Alexej (de) | DJ Pete
(de) ? www.hardwax.com
Sunday, February 17th
21:00 Pop n
Repetition of 07.02. - video screening programme
22:00 Retro Futurists
Orgue Electronique (nl) - www.bunker-records.com Legowelt (nl -
www.bunker-records.com | Schmerzlabor (nl) - www.bunker-records.com DJ tlr
(nl) - www.bunker-records.com Tappo Kontakt (nl) | Gogo Goddess (de) -
koolpop.c8.com Like A Tim (nl) -www.like.myweb.nl
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