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[microsound] Re: microsound Digest 4 Feb 2002 10:31:04 -0000 Issue

>>the idea that experimental music has anything to do with science is odd.
>>I'm not sure if anyone will win that debate.  Of course, that brings up
>>of the central pillars of science: It is logically impossible to prove
>nowhere can anyone prove that something is true.
>but in science, one can prove that something is false.  (see karl popper,
>_objective knowledge_.)  science can also assert that a problem cannot find
>an objective solution (e.g. the existence of god, the definition of "good",
>etc.), in which case it is said to be a metaphysical problem.  (see a.j.
>ayer, _language, truth & logic_.)
>notice also that in science, we can talk of "true" & "false" but hardly of
>"right" & "wrong" as we would in aesthetics & ethics.  however, in those 2
>fields, it's impossible to prove anything whether "right" or "wrong".
>aesthetics, like ethics, evolves because of this impossibility of
>determining what right & wrong.  in the end we work with assumptions (not
>truths), which gives us charters of rights & arts academia.  while the
>former is normally quite useful (e.g. "thou shall not kill" sounds like a
>good advice in 99.9999% of cases (even for US administrations)), the latter
>is neither useful nor useless; it exists on a lighter plane altogether.  in
>arts nothing is of universal importance as is the case with ethics, it's up
>to the artist to decide what they want to do.
>in fact, what puts aesthetics back into the scientific (& thus,
>experimental) fold is the fact that there are actual people interacting
>with a piece of art; depending on the cultural context surrounding it, the
>global response differs.  this can be analyzed scientifically (or nearly
>so) using the tools of semiology & sociology (or even chaos, but you'll
>probably get a lot of experimental noise...  though that might make a good
>madonna remix).  but this is still an "outside" view of art, & the making
>of it is still a mysterious & individual, & thankfully so, event.
>but, as MC hawking rightly says:
>"before you step to me, i'd think twice G
>'cause i'm the lord of chaos, the king of entropy"
>~ david
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