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RE: [microsound] herbs&spice and everything nice

> From: David Fodel [mailto:DFodel@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
> as far as paint goes... it's a medium, not a tool.

I'm sorry, but I'm a bit annoyed by this, being a painter and all.  Just a
little something for your from Webster:  Tool - "something (as an instrument
or apparatus) used in performing an operation or necessary in the practice
of a vocation or profession."

You can limit your definitions as much as you want to.  That doesn't change
the fact that , at the very least, brushes, palette knives, sticks, air,
various other items, and yes, even paint, are tools used to create in the
painting medium.

How a painting is created and how a sound is created, in fact almost
everything humans do (besides just sitting and thinking, or walking around
poking stuff with their fingers) is mediated through the use of a tool.  And
believe it or not, this "tool is the message" discussion goes back *at
least* to modernist painting issues, if it isn't even more deeply rooted in
Plato's insistence on rhetoric over the spoken word.
Christopher Sorg
Multimedia Artist
Adjunct Professor
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
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