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Re: [microsound] musical help?

but it helps people make good music so its not that bad.y
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "mark" <mark@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "microsound" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; <ambient@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2002 8:57 PM
Subject: RE: [microsound] musical help?

> I'm sure people can use them - thats not really the point - 
> you are encouraging illegal behaviour that is not 
> really that much different from handling stolen goods or 
> selling drugs. You can argue about whether the law is 
> right or wrong - but the fact remains that it is illegal
> and this is not place for it.
> mark 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Altoe Part [mailto:best_warez_linkz@xxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: 12 February 2002 18:40
> To: microsound; ambient@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: RE: [microsound] musical help?
> OK no more - sorry - I thoght folks might be able to
> use these/
> Later
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