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Re: [microsound] McDemocracy

on 2/13/02 10:07 AM, anechoic at kim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> we're assuming here that the American Way Of Life (tm) is a true
> democracy...it has more in common with corporatism (insert famous quote by
> Mussolini here) than democracy which if I remember correctly still means
> "gov't by the people and for the people"...in fact, if you sit down and
> read the US Constitution and Bill of Rights it reads more like something
> Marx might have written rather than what you hear coming out of the elected
> officials on TV news these days...the guys who set up the US were actually
> pretty enlightened (for their time) but again as with most religion and
> gov't people always seem to twist things so it feeds their selfish need for
> power and money...
> just my 0.02...
  The preamble to the U.S. constitution is mostly a quote from
Rousseau(J.J., not Henri). another place that Rousseau's ideas appear is the
sequencer in isynth. The notation looks remarkably similar to Rousseau's
system; it seems that there is potential there especially with  external
midi control at the same time, though I haven't really delved.