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RE: [microsound] Laptop recommendation

Hmm - make sure you get one of the decent VAIO's. All our 
"exec's" had vaio and they are bloody useless (especially the 
ones without CD drives). The rest of us all use Dell's - they 
are dead standard and they work fine. Dell are prettty decent 
too although we have quite a good relationship with them I think. 
I use my dell laptop for music as well as work (and building PD
externals) and its great. Built in soundcard is shite though but
then they are on most PC laptops.


-----Original Message-----
From: claudio chea [mailto:yituey@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 15 February 2002 17:13
To: microsound
Subject: RE: [microsound] Laptop recommendation

sony vaio laptops!!

long live pc:)

Claudio Chea
Director de Proyectos
p.o. box 9022731
san juan, p.r. 00902-2731
claudio@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:claudio@xxxxxxxxxxx> 
www.clikpop.com <http://www.clikpop.com> 

-----Original Message-----
From: Grammenos, Peter [mailto:peter.grammenos@xxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2002 7:08 PM
To: 'microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Subject: [microsound] Laptop recommendation

Sorry if this topic has been beaten to death ;) 

I'm looking to get a laptop for both performing live and working. I use
Cubase / Reaktor / and some other software synths. I've been advised to get
a hammerfal soundcard and doepfer pocket controller. I prefer working in a
pc environment. There was some mention of a dell but I have not had the
greatest experiences with their desktops. 

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Peter Grammenos 
Goldman Sachs & Co. 
Tel : 212.902.2446 

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