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Re: [microsound] Re: review: m.northam, y.dauby & t.koner/ and J. Duncan

I was very happy to read the Koner review as well. My friend Roland Spekle is doing some programming for STEIM (has been for 3 years or so) - so he will present some excellent events. 

I am flying to Minneapolis next week for Thomas Koner at The Walker Art Ctr.....It will be his only North American show in the next months. He was here last June (as Porter Ricks) at the Anchorage (which was great).

Hope to see any of you there.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: dkl37@xxxxxxxx 
  To: microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
  Cc: microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
  Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 3:27 PM
  Subject: [microsound] Re: review: m.northam, y.dauby & t.koner/ and J. Duncan

  On Sat, 16 Feb 2002 23:04:20 +0100 Derek Holzer <derek@xxxxxx> writes:
  > Two sets at the Amsterdam establishment of instrumental 
  > experimentation, STEIM, 
  > last Thursday explored different aspects of engaging, incidental 
  > sound.

  This sounds like a great moment! I love Koner's work and am friends with
  Northam and Dauby. In fact, I plan to release some of Dauby's work on one
  of my labels after he returns from his tour. Thanks, Derek for posting
  the review! 
  Also (to condense two postings in one e-mail), I recieved notice from
  Eric at Anomalous Records about the Duncan affair and sent a personalized
  version of the protest letter included, to the Board Of Directors of the
  IASPIS. Good luck John! 
  Dale Lloyd *  http://www.geocities.com/dkl37/and_oar.html

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