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no type ubiquitously live on saturday feb 23: oakland CA, quebec city QC

just to announce 2 shows which should be of interest to people on these
lists...  coincidentally they both happen the same day but in two very
different places.  :)


in oakland CA:

no type is launching its new compilation 2CD _the freest of radicals_ in
california!  this event features 4 notypers of great talent: v.v., chris
degiere, elasticlego (headphone science) & the one & only books on tape.
 it's cheap ($5-7 sliding scale donation) & it'll be fun, & you can even
get your hands on the compilation before it hits the shops!

ABCO waterproofing / 3135 Filbert St. / Oakland CA 94608

more info:


in quebec city QC:

the second installment of the "machines" series, this time featuring
none other than martin tetreault, erick dorion, magali babin & guillaume
theroux (le chien borgne).  presented by no type, alterflow & avatar, as
part of the "mois multi" in quebec city.

more info:


thanks for the bandwidth, hope to see you there (well, one place or the
other :)

have a nice day
~ david