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Re: [microsound] Re: fileswapping is killing the record industry
> One interesting thing I've noticed in my own buying habits in the post-Napster
> era: not only am I buying more CDs overall than before, but also I am only
> buying CDs that I could never have possibly heard of before, sampling MP3s on
> the Net and ordering online from tiny independent labels in Germany for
> example...
>>>I often wonder what percentage of the music buying public can identify with these sentiments? I
believe that the proliferation of shared musical 'finds' have opened and rocked quite a few new
worlds. Besides, any true music collector will not settle on the below-par sonics offered by the
average MP3. Once you reach the 320KPS level it gets nearly listenable. Otherwise the experience
is not too distant from a good AM radio/poor FM experience. Looks to me that Alicia Keys, U2,
Brittany and Madonna are not hurting for cash - and the underground is not suffering one whit from
lack of sales. Look for a nearly 100% sell-out rate on FAX, Muslimgauze, 12K etc...
Of course this is IMHO.
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