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RE: [microsound] fetishization
> >The albums are readily available anywhere, so there's no need
> >for any album fetishization
> hmmm...some quick notes as I am heading out the door to do errands:
> I just spent the past couple of weeks writing an article for an arts
> journal and re-reading Attali's "Noise: the politcal economy of music" (I
> do this every couple of years and am constantly amazed by the fact that
> this book was written in 1977)...there have been some interesting points
> brought up on this thread but I would not agree that there is no need for
> fetishization as this is what drives demand in the mainstream record
> industry...
I'll have to read Attali. It sounds like the idea is straight out of Walter
Benjamin's "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction". Apply
to any art form at will :)
Christopher Sorg
Multimedia Artist and Instructor
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
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