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Re: [microsound] volume and hearing and russian roulette
caleb.k@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> now somebody who actually knows correct me if i am wrong but i have
> read in a number of places that permanent hearing damage is done but
> multiple and regular exposure to extreme volume...ie a work person
> with a jack hammer 8 hours a day 5 days a week...or a sound guy doing
> live gigs with a rock band every second night for 3 months kinda
> thing. hearing damage as i understand it is not caused by one loud
> exposure but will completely return after a few days.
Is it really something that you want to experiment with?
Hearing loss is a gradual process.
You won't know your fucked until
it's too late.
I value my hearing way too much
too fuck around with my hearing
or the hearing of others.
for more info on hearing loss
search the web.
"One woman can make you fly like an eagle,
another can give you the strength of a lion,
but only one, in the cycle of life, can fill
your heart with wonder and the wisdom that
you have know a singular joy."
Hawk from Twin Peaks.
Kerry Uchida
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