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"Field Effects 2" + "sometimes these sounds just happen " shows i n SF/oakland march 15th and 16th

"Nisi is hip and so is Junior Varsity. . .Bill Jarboe "

hey, kenric mcdowell (junior vasity) is playing two shows this weekend (15th
and 16th) in the SF/oakland area.  if you are in town come please come by!

press releases for both shows are attached.

---------- 964 NATOMA EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT : MARCH 15, 2002 ----------

Field Effects 2: a night of beauty made by the world

Friday, March 15

964 Natoma, San Francisco, CA, USA

Door 8:00 pm, performance 8:30 pm sharp.

$6-10 sliding scale, no one turned away for lack of funds.

----> Event Description <-----------------------------------------------

The world makes music, remember to listen.

Field Effects 2: a night of field recording based performance. Come out
for a night of comfortable, communal deep listening!

Field Effects 2 will feature sound artists:

  Josh Russell (LA)

    josh russell gently manipulates pure tones and field recordings of
    soft, often unnoticed events to create a performance of delicate,
    evolving sound-sculptures which rewards concentrated listening. he
    founded the experimental sound label bremsstrahlung recordings which
    focuses on publishing "egoless sound."


  v.v. (Oakland)

    v.v. are the initials of Ven Voisey.  lost in beauty, clarity through
    observation, listening with no intent, blurry-eyed gaze, filtration of
    second-hand experience, multi-channel communication void, nasty
    one-liners and the collision factors.


  Kenric McDowell (SF)

    Kenric McDowell's images and sounds sit at the threshold of intention:
    they are attempts to reconnect with an everyday that is increasingly
    complicated and mediated by technology.  He curated and performed in
    the Six String Object Digital Guitar Microfestival and has released
    several albums of electronic music, most recently on the Fallt label.


  Jefre Cantu-Ledesma (SF)

    Jefre Cantu-Ledesma helped found rock/experimental band Tarantel and
    spent the last four years touring and recording with them. Recently,
    Jefre has begun to perform and record solo compositions under his own
    name; a string of EPs will be released in the US and Europe shortly.
    Jefre's recent investigation of field recording focuses on modes of
    transportation, communication, and audible industrial phenomenon. His
    compositions tend to exemplify naturally occurring high and low
    frequencies juxtaposed with interjected subtle melodies.


Your host is Aaron Ximm of Quiet American:  http://www.quietamerican.org.

The Field Effects series showcases artists from the Bay Area and beyond
who are interested in framing the hidden beauty of the everyday world:
beauty on the surface, awaiting our attention. Beauty that must be
delicately extracted. And beauty in potential, awaiting juxtaposition,
collage, repetition and mutilation.

Field recordings are made out in the world, not the studio. Fair game:
machines, animals, weather, vehicles, buskers, hawkers, hawks, preachers,
telephones, taxis, and the mad. (Things have voices: do you hear?)

Seating mostly on futons to encourage comfortable deep listening.

Depending on weather, hot or cold drinks will be available.

----> Venue Info <------------------------------------------------------

964 Natoma
  (between 10th and 11th, and Mission and Howard)
San Francisco, CA 94103

A few blocks from Civic Center BART. One block from Market & Van Ness.

Bike parking inside.

Questions?  Contact Aaron at ghede@xxxxxxxxx

Saturday, March 16, 8:00 pm @ ABCOwaterproofing 

Kenric McDowel / Jefre Cantu-Ledesma 
Josh Russell 

$5-7 sliding scale, no one turned away for lack of

EVENT DESCRIPTION:::::::::::::::::::::: 

throat presents: 
sometimes these sounds just happen 

Kenric McDowel / Jefre Cantu-Ledesma: 

Kenric McDowell's images and sounds sit at the
threshold of intention: they are attempts to reconnect
with an everyday that is increasingly complicated and
mediated by technology. He curated and performed in
the Six String Object Digital Guitar Microfestival and
has released several albums of electronic music, most
recently on the Fallt label. 

Jefre Cantu-Ledesma has lived and made art in San
Francisco since 1994. He graduated with a BFA from the
San Francisco Art Institute in 1998, focusing on
painting, installation and digital media. He is a
founding member of the band Tarentel (Temporary
Residence, Neurot, Static Caravan, Staalplaat) and has
toured extensively in the US and Europe. He has
recently begun composing and performing his own music,
which focuses on the computer as an instrument. 

For this event, Kenric and Jefre will be performing

Josh Russell : 

Josh gently manipulates pure tones and field
recordings of soft, often unnoticed events to create a
performance of delicate, evolving sound-sculptures
which rewards concentrated listening. he founded the
experimental sound label bremsstahlung recordings in
2000 which focuses on publishing "egoless sound."


(Ven Voisey) Peculiar mottled head, white back, throat
and legs mark this stout species in breeding plumage.
Not to be confused with other similar species.
Includes fifteen second reaction time buffer on urban
hiss and broken heart [*no distortion* or *tonal
control*]. Distinctive call, a low pitched, guttural
rattle. Frequecies vary. Composition exists. Nests on
coastal tundra. Uses slender bill to flip aside shells
and pebbles in search of food. www.v---v.net 

EVENT LOCATION:::::::::::::::::::::: 

ABCO waterproofing 
3135 Filbert St. 
Oakland CA 

(one block west of San Pablo @ 32nd St.) 

More relevance located @ 

-ven voisey 