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ph!L thomson reworkings

Dear microsounders;

   Awhile back I started sending some soundfiles to phil thomson in
Vancouver B.C. I also sent him a few video files which he managed to open as
audio files.

   He did some work and sent me mp3s;I've posted these at my website along
with some images from notebooks from when I went to grade school in
Vancouver which I managed to draw over many years later and write about the
future of music, people I imagined.Though the images really have nothing to
do with phil thomson I saw them in my mind's eye peripherally when I
listened to the pieces.

   Anyway, most of the mp3s are quite short and (for the amount of data
involved) pack quite a wallop I think. I also made some pdf.s which are less
than 800kb. to download. .

           so , come on . .

                            let's party!

Oh, there's also a video and some handwritten dissertation, sketches of



10 mp3 files 

16 images 

1 movie