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RE: [microsound] Where Music Will Be Coming From
> a very interesting read by Kevin Kelly who is Editor at Large at
> Wired Mag:
> http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/nyt/20020316/tc_nyt
> /where_music_w
> ill_be_coming_from
> enjoy!
This is a pretty interesting read. I think a couple of observations are
slightly off, at least for the Right Now (tm).
"Digital copies are not only perfect and free"
They aren't exactly perfect or free. My cable modem connection is about $50
a month. Even if that were free, I'd hardly call MP3s perfect. I find them
noticeably inferior to CD-quality, and with new, MP3-buster DVD-Audio and
SuperCD formats they couldn't even come close.
"That is why producers, labels and the related ecology of reviewers,
catalogers and guides will continue to make a living..."
This is why I enjoy this list. The list members function in part as critics
and filter out a lot of interesting work. Granted a reviewer or a guide is
probably going to be a lot more broad-minded in their musical
recommendations than a specific list, but I'm still not paying for it
(please don't start charging me for your posts ;)
I enjoyed the comments on creativity, tools in the hands of the masses, etc.
Still, you find the most obsessive geeks typically producing the most
interesting work, even in the digital realm. Painters are computer geeks
without computers, you know. Just ask one about pigments or brushes...
Here are two links that I think are relevant to the discussion, offering
both point and counterpoint better than I would:
"The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction"
"The Work of Art in the Age of Digital Reproduction"
"By close-ups of the things around us, by focusing on hidden details of
familiar objects..."
Sounds more than a bit like microsound, eh?
Christopher Sorg
Multimedia Artist and Instructor
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
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