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Re: [microsound] Dewey Decimal System.
welcome to the discrete imposed over the continuous. personally i found
this article to be loaded with much of the some bull honky that i find
in wired magazine (well, last i read wired magazine which was something
like a year ago). the concepts in the beginning seemed to be well
formed, but as the article wore on there was a sense of wishing and
unthought out projection of an idealized theory of the future production
of music. in my mind i saw this picture of the actual scope of music
being closed down by the formation of a way for musical styles to
proliferate. it's sort of the theory that if you make the space
smaller, you are more likely to explore more of it. i don't have the
patience right now to expand on the thoughts, but at least the article
got me thinking a bit. :)
On Sun, Mar 17, 2002 at 02:19:14PM -0600, Christopher Sorg wrote:
> "The varieties of musical styles explode. They increase faster than we can
> name them, so a musical Dewey Decimal System is applied to each work to aid
> in categorizing it."
> I'm starting to need this for my browser favorites :)
> __________________________________________
> Christopher Sorg
> Multimedia Artist and Instructor
> The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
> http://csorg.cjb.net
> csorg@xxxxxxxxx
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