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RE: [microsound] liberalism/power/control

On Sat, 23 Mar 2002, christian toepfner wrote:

> >    I appreciate the recommendations so far, but I think I need to be a
> >    bit more specific: I'm not interested in Marxist or Socialist
> >    writings.
> >    I guess I'm being vague, but by liberal I don't mean extreme leftism.
> >    I'm referring more to a sort of moral liberalism (within the context
> >    of democracy !?).
>      well, all of the mentioned authors would definitly be on the 'left'
>      (if this category still means anything) but most of them even within
>      something like (radical) democracy. i guess it will be hard to find
>      any critical reflection on topics like power, control, hegemony, &c
>      in the realm of 'liberalism', as (neo)liberalism is seen as the major
>      threat to the ideals of democracy...

(Neo)Liberalism as it is currently practiced in the US is seen as a threat
to the ideals of democracy ? Is it democracy or capitalism that it's seen
as a threat to ? So what IS looked at as being supportive of the ideals of
democracy? Marxism and Socialism !?
