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Re: [microsound] San Francisco

brain fart - I mean Open Mind on Divisadero! Reckless was on Haight and Masonic and
shutdown when Amoeba moved in.

Open Mind's staffers are truly helpful and great choice for out-of-towners (or in my case, from-over-seas-ers), IMHO. On the same note I sincerely hope that Clear Music on Valencia St. is still there. Great knowledgeable people in the store and good selections, but I haven't been to SF for a good nine months so my impressions might be a bit on the old side...

Yeah Aquarius rules ... they've probably taken more of my money than any other
music store ...


dave dunstan wrote:

Aquarius has a big selection of electronic CD's and some harder to find, newer
electronic vinyl - but don't forget about Reckless Records on Divisadero - they
have LOTS of electronic vinyl - and probably a more eclectic (although smaller)
selection than Amoeba ... :)

 Chris Westphal wrote:

> I want to second (actually third) that. Aquarius is a small shop with lots
> of great stuff. They have a very knowledgeable staff and you'll find
> reviews taped to many of the CDs which is something I find helpful when
> making a random buy. I often find good stuff used at a reasonable price
> when I'm there.
> For the big selection I would recommend Amoeba. The SF store used to be a
> bowling alley. If you make it over to the Berkeley store you'll want to
> check out Rasputian Records too.
> - c
> At 05:12 PM 4/1/2002 +0000, Jefre Cantu wrote:
> >Aquarius Records on Valencia st. in the Mission.
> >http://www.aquariusrecordssf.com/
> >everything from 70s Afro pop to microsound.
> >jefre
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >>From: Salvatore Panatteri <spanatte@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >>Reply-To: microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >>To: microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >>Subject: [microsound] San Francisco
> >>