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Stasisfield.com - Launch + Call For Submissions
apologies for the cross-post...
An mp3 record label and online art space
Beginning today, Stasisfield.com presents its own brand of micro
melodic experimental atmospherics. All releases currently offered as
free mp3s.
Submissions are welcome, for more information see
Our initial set of offerings:
sonic planar analysis :: 01
the first Stasisfield compilation featuring ten tracks by capricorn
one, jon irving, J3, john kannenberg, ethan koehler, loam, phluidbox,
pressboard, psychiatric challenge, wireshock
J3 : audioreliquary
the soundtrack to one of J3's recent audio installations, this one
from 2001's "a haunted landscape" exhibition at Chicago's 1926 gallery
capricorn one : panopticon
a micro-melodic ode to Doctor Who
john kannenberg : aero
an exploration of atmospherics, transmissions & interference
phluidbox : the muse and the product
lush digital discussion of the art/commerce conflict
loam : meditations (on ashKroft)
24 minutes of heavily manipulated samples of one of the most
frightening songsmiths of our time
Also be sure to check out Stasis_Space
Our online art gallery is now accepting submissions for its upcoming
exhibition, "con|text". More details at
Thanks for listening, we'd love to hear from you.
John Kannenberg
Stasisfield.com Curator