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[microsound] toronto and montreal people

>We'll be in montreal and toronto in mid august, if anyone knows of anybody
>we could set up a show with or anywhere we could play with, we would be
>you can email me off list  mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>-----Original Message-----
>From: philippe petit <philippe-petit@xxxxxxxxxx>
>To: ip <ip@xxxxxxxxxxx>; ambient <ambient@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; idm - moderated
><idm-m@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; idm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <idm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
>microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; annonces Wire
><thewire-announcements@xxxxxxxxxxx>; noise-pr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
><noise-pr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; indielabels-owner@xxxxxxxxxxx