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Re: [microsound] micro-mailing list info database
i agree on some level...
developing the microsound.org site into more of a community site would
be a good thing, but a sondierable number of us would WANT it to be used
as a community site. I for one would be glad to contribute some of my
time and effort to creating the site (if the powers that be woudl like).
I have done a considerable amount of web work and also have studied AI
somewhat extensively. i apologize for the short response, but i have a
highly injured finger right now.
quick ideas:
1, event posting
2. literature
3. links to pertinent information (technologies, discourse)
4. of course an archive of this mailing list
5. people/names/works
6. brief history of list/microsound
7. group projects (remixes etc...)
8. essays perhaps
just my 2.12312515 cents
On Thu, Apr 04, 2002 at 09:45:18PM -0600, Mark Khemma wrote:
> Hello,
> i've been on this list for a while now, and quite honestly, this has been
> one of the better mailing lists about modern contemporary music
> as well as information that revolves such eclectic yet focused
> ideas on art, dsp, philosophy of music, etc. . And as i was laying on my
> couch pondering the many things that originated from this list, i realized
> how wonderfull it would be if a microdatabase could be developed from
> the information coming from the mailing list subject-heading and
> parsed out content. Take for instance we have the current threads about cd
> factories and curtis roads new book and where to get it, wouldn't it be
> nice if a program could be developed that took
> that information, which included links, comments, location, etc.
> and
> revolved them on a webpage? I was thinking that if we could ge a small
> group
> of web prorammers , web designers who are on this list and anyone
> else who wants to volunteer their time into doing this thing just shout.
> I'm up to working on it. I was thinking that we could acquire/develop a
> program with email filtering capabilities which would extrapolate the
> "useful" information from the extraneous--some sort of meta email agent
> (god i wish i knew more on AI maybe someone on the list does ;)
> )(possibly writen in perl with say a high regx affinity for http://
> links),and parse it into a html (xml? don't know it but i know
> its powerful) file and ftp
> it and update the microsound datawebpage (simple bash script?) say every
> other day (or a week?).Think of it as a slightly more useful links page
> Also tell me if i just simply have my head up my ass,
> its worth just as much merit considering
> i'm writing this sorta drunk. anyway i'm done rambling, but i'm
> crossing my fingers that others might find this useful for the microsound
> community. :-)
> -awaiting others' thoughts and comments
> mark .k
> ps. things i've read on the microsound list that i wish that i had placed
> the links somewhere nice and safe:
> -where/how to make contact mics
> -what was that book title again?
> -where can i find the "definition" of liberalism or post structuralism?
> -whats that microsoundy webpage url?
> -where/when is said microlistmember playing?
> -whats going on is australia even though i don't have the money to fly
> from chicago to there, hehe
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why'd you let go?
- anonymous rock climber