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Re: [microsound] micro-mailing list info database

On Thu, 4 Apr 2002, lowercase wrote:

> i agree on some level...
> developing the microsound.org site into more of a community site would
> be a good thing, but a sondierable number of us would WANT it to be used
> as a community site.  I for one would be glad to contribute some of my
> time and effort to creating the site (if the powers that be woudl like).

> I have done a considerable amount of web work and also have studied AI
> somewhat extensively.

I think a pretty interesting meta-info webpage could be developed with
those two skills which you have and i'd like to know more of your ideas.
Out of curiosity do you know of any unix/linux
applications which reads email and filters out information? like pine
but with more filtering capabilites?  I'm using pine and it does
filtering, but i would like if there was a
program which took the email that came from microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx and
put it into a separate file in my /home/mkhemma/directory. then i could
create a perl script which would continue with the regx-ing into an html
page. i read microsound email just about everyday so i could update it
at least five times a week on anyserver. Some of the
work doesn't even have to reside in the microsound server. i think anyone
who gets email from this list can do some of the filtering of email,
though i think alot of people on this list would benefit from it if it
were on microsound.org.

i dunno, maybe it'll just turn into a personal endeavor
-mark .k