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greetings from a newbie

hi all

i'm new to the list and just wanted to quickly introduce myself.

i participate in a music project with another list member, david fodel (devslashnull) in OVNI, and also run an internet radio station with him (radiovalve). other than that, i've been into electronic music pretty much all of my life, starting with synergy, walter/wendy carlos and tangerine dream as a child, depeche mode, kraftwerk and front 242 as an adolescent, escalating into artists like alvin lucier, robert ashley and tod dockstader in my 20s. and most of what's umbrella-termed as "techno" since the late '80s. now in my 30s, i've spent a good part of my life immersed in ambient textures, even though i make regular departures into breakbeat dance realms...

anyway, without getting too wordy i simply wanted to give a quick introduction before making any comments on any list-related material. i'm hoping that participation in this list will be both entertaining and edifying. i look forward to interacting regularly on the list.

brian comerford
"Be seeing you."
    ~ No. 6 ~

http://www.radiovalve.com		.turn.it.on.
Full Spectrum
Techno Internet Radio
For Electronic Music Culture
Brian Comerford, Program Director
POBox 7266
Boulder, CO
80306 USA

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