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max/msp windows october
hi all just got this thought it may be oof interest to PC users
We're pleased to announce that the long-awaited Windows version of Max/MSP
closer to shipping. We are currently estimating a release date of October
2002. We will provide more details on the product and our progress at the
beginning of June. Here are some details on the project that might be of
interest to you.
- based on the latest Max4/MSP2 versions
- includes all of the same objects as the Mac version, with the following
exceptions: omsnames, omspatches, omscontrollers, cd~ (to be released later)
- reads and writes the same binary and text format patcher and data files as
the Mac version; collective files, which contain processor-specific compiled
code, will be platform-specific
- audio support initially for ASIO, MME, and Direct Sound; ReWire, VST, and
DirectConnect to follow shortly after the initial release
We know the wait has been nearly endless, and we sincerely appreciate your
continued interest in the project.
Cycling '74
*If you would like to be removed from our Windows notification list, just
let us know (pcfeedback@xxxxxxxxxxxxx).
"undo" on bip-hop_ Enhanced video CD -out now
"comment" 3"cd on fallt -now out
"untitled i/o" track on Strewth (Synaesthesia) compilation -March 2002
"seven satellite" track on Bip Hop 4 comp - out now
"erros$" track on VibraGun compilation - out now
" " track on Motion Compilation - June 2002
"rooms" art installation with Marcus Struzina - July 2002
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