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Re: [microsound] call for content | Digital Salvage v.1

----- Original Message -----
From: Trace Reddell <treddell@xxxxxx>
To: >microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 4:09 PM
Subject: [microsound] call for content | Digital Salvage v.1

Hi, all. Thought some of you might be interested in this call for content
I've organized. Thus far, most of the responses have been more
image-oriented in nature, and I'd be very interested in sound-art


DIGITAL SALVAGE v.1: a response to Salvaggio's Six Rules Towards a New
Internet Art

Please create a Web-based digital project that adheres to the six rules
towards a new internet art that Eryk Salvaggion recently posted on

1. No Flash
2. No introduction pages
3. No more art for the sake of error
4. Images must be unique to the sitemaker
5. Technology is not a subject; the Internet is not a subject
6. The work stands alone

why no flash?????  fascism?

20three productions ltd
solve et coagula