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Re: [microsound] laptops kim's article

Pardon me if too many other posts have slipped in since this one, but I
think that Marcel O'Gorman's excellent article on "transparency and
deception on the computer fashion scene" is relevant here, particularly in
light of this post:

 > i am unconvinced by the idea that the laptop objection stems from it
> being a business tool. i think mac have shifted our perceptions since
> the iMAC and subsequent titanium etc laptops...desirable - one dreams
> of these things  >>  when i got my grey pillow iBOOK my gf was a
> little envious of how i handled it.
>     i don't think MAC lappies are seen as business tools etc  maybe
> for the hip and slightly left of field business types  >> the
> computer is now firmly part of the entertainment business, for young,
> energetic music loving (iTUNES) artistic (digital camera carrying)
> types

You'll find the article at ctheory:
