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Re: [microsound] Re:baaaa

>> laptop performer (or computer performer) does not offer the audience
>> apart from the raw sound of their music. In a dance music environment
>> does not matter much because the audience immerse themselves in the music
>> in a physical way (even though they all stand "sheep like" facing the

Doesnt this all depend on the audience as well as the performer?

You can have two violinist's who play at the exact same abilities.  One
plays in a robotic fashion, while the other plays with alot of visible
emotion .  They play the exact same music but what makes one experience more
pleasurable then the other?  They both sound the same do they not?  Istn it
just a matter of preference?  Some people do need to be entertained.

One of the best performances i have ever seen in any genre was a cat by the
name of o9.  All he had was his lap top, a knobby box, and BUZZ loaded up on
it.  He was so into his music that his enthusiasm was infectous. The entire
club ended up entranced in his performance.  One of the few times that there
werent "talking gaps" throughout the club.

I really dont see the difference between what he did that night and playing
what one would call "a traditional Instrument.? "  Sitting behind a Concert
Piano (as someone on this list stated a few days ago) and sitting behind a
Laptop are the same thing.