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Re: [microsound] laptop hell

David Fodel wrote:

> >
> I agree... one of the members of our "touring crew" performs video on an
> equal footing with the other 2 laptop audio performers, as an
> improvisational trio. the signals are tied together via MAX/MSP patches...
> we have no idea how this will manifest in actual performance, as we have yet
> to actually perform it all together in one place. we are pretty excited by
> the possibilities though...
> we'll be playing dates on the west coast of USA in June... hopefully some of
> you will have a chance to check it out and let us know how it works from an
> audience members perspective.

Cool...are you making it to vancouver or seattle?
would love to check it out.



Kerry Uchida

Now Playing:

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Technomorph-- http://www.technomorph.com
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"Since I have always preferred making
plans to executing them, I have always
gravitated towards situations and systems
that, once set into operation, could create
music with little or no intervention on my part" Eno