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[fwd:] CFP: Beyond Noise Conference at UCSB, August 1-3, 2002

while some voice at the back of my head is screaming "nooo! don't do it!!" for fear of inundating these poor folks with really obvious (merzbow-related) junk, for better or worse, here's a call for papers that might interest a lot of the essay-minded among you! happy writing.


"Beyond Noise: Acoustic, Technical and Metaphorical Aspects of Noise in
Music and Visual Arts"
Speakers: Jacques Attali, Michel Chion and others
August 1-3, 2002

The concept of noise has played an important role in the recent decades both
in the creation of and reflection on music. In the mid-eighties it appeared
as the name for a new genre of electronic music, while at the same time it
appeared on the title of an influential book by Jacques Attali ("Bruits:
essai sur l'économie politique de la musique" (1977)) English translation:
"Noise: The Political Economy of Music"(1985). As a result of these and
other discourses, noise became closely associated with radical aesthetics,
interaction (human-human, human-machine, and machine-machine),
indeterminacy, and system dynamics. The conference and festival will address
the concept of noise in time-based media arts (music, media art, film)
jointly in its sociopolitical, aesthetic and technical dimensions and will
examine its role in the future of music-making and in the emerging fusion of
visual with auditory dimensions in art.

Call for Works and Papers
We invite composers, ethnomusicologists, media and culture theorists and
psychoacoustics experts to discuss ways of reaching beyond noise
conceptually technically, and stylistically. The word "beyond" is to be
understood here in all its possible implications, that is: transcending or
leaving current notions or ways of dealing with noise behind, building on or
developing them further, but also exploring the laws underlying the
synthesis and perception of noise, interaction and indeterminacy and finally
the role of noise in both electronic and acoustic musics from diverse

Areas for submission of abstracts and works are:
- Noise in acoustic music cultures
- Noise in electronic music cultures
- Noise in interactive digital arts, installations and human/machine
- Visual Noise, Noise in Cinema and Video, Noise and Atmosphere,
Phenomenology of Sound, Noise and Repression, What We Don't Hear When We See
- Semiotic dimensions of noise
- Noise and Timbre: Synthesis Techniques
- Noise as Timbre: Perceptual issues and principles
- Noise and Interfaces: Indeterminacy and Control factors in Interfaces for
Computer Music
- Noise and Interaction: Indeterminacy and Feedback in improvised Computer
- Noise as Stylistic or Compositional Element
- Noise and "Anti-Noise": Noise to Signal, Noise (or Chaos) vs. Order,
Low-Frequency and Low-Amplitude Noise, Noise and Silence

Please send 400 word abstracts in plain text to beyondnoise@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
by June 1, 2002 or before!

Organized by the Center for Research in Electronic Art Technologies (CREATE)
in cooperation with the e-Studio, the Ethnomusicology Program and the
Department of Film Studies of the University of California in Santa Barbara.
Also supported by UC's Digital Cultures Project.

For more details see: http://www.create.ucsb.edu

Lisa Parks Assistant Professor Department of Film Studies UC Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA 93106 ph: 805.893.5547 fax: 805.893.8630 www.filmstudies.ucsb.edu/faculty/parks/

dust vs stars.