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Repeat After Me playlist 4/27/02
*John Coltrane: Chasin' Another Trane [Newport '63] Impulse!
*Ornette Coleman: Congeniality [The Shape of Jazz to Come] Atlantic
*Eric Dolphy: Straight Up and Down [Out to Lunch] Blue Note
*Jean Barraque: Lent [Sonate pour piano] ECM
*David Mahler: La Cuidad de Nuestra Senora la Reina de Los Angeles [Cold
Blue] Cold Blue Music
*Spontaneous Music Orchestra: Search and Reflect [Not Necessarily "English
Music"] Leonardo Music Journal
*Brian Lavelle: Time Emptied [parasites rework project] microsound.org
*Camp: Cinetique [Mobile] Groovylab
*Dan Abrams: Grammar [Between Two Points] 12K/Line
*Guillermo Brown: if we can ever find a way [soul at the hands of the
machine] Thirsty Ear
*mum: in through the lamp [green grass of tunnel] Fat Cat
*Mice Parade: One Road Led to Columbia [All Roads Lead to Salzburg] Bubble
*Tanakh: In Every Villa [Villa Claustrophobia] Alien8 Recordings
*Magali Babin: E [chemin de fer] No Type
*[sic]: Soon Amma [. . . And Rabbits Named Friday] Squirrelgirl Productions
*Alexander Balanescu, et al: later, the sky is still clear . . . [Lume
Lume] Staubgold
*Vibracathedral Orchestra: He Play All Day [Dabbling With Gravity and Who
You Are] Midheaven
*[in]anace: Davon [Omorosi] Octagone.net
Thanks for listening.
Glenn Bach
Repeat After Me
Saturdays 12-2 PM (Pacific)
KUCI 88.9 FM, PO Box 4362, Irvine, CA 92616 (http://www.kuci.org)