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RE: [microsound] Microsound-ish.
> This is wonderful!! i'm happy to hear the loyola u radio is making an
> improvement. You'll be happy to know that you have at least one active
> micro audience
> Mark Khemma
Yeah, Philip's show is really amazing. He's got quite a variety, excellent
guests (if I don't say so myself :), and it's just a perfect four hours on a
Sunday night. Philip was explaining to me that his show is submissions
only, so if any of you microsounders want to play, you should send him some
samples of your work (http://www.stopgostop.com/somethingelse/). Loyola U.
(www.wluw.org) has some pretty interesting shows, and WNUR (Northwestern,
www.wnur.org) also has some great radio programs as well..and they both
Christopher Sorg
Multimedia Artist and Instructor
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
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