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[microsound] BIG TORINO reminder

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 > Fabio Selvafiorita, Raphael Monzini e Simone Fantozzi

Il silenzio del suono - Rappresentatione sonora di Anima, Corpo et Algoritmo
(The sound of silence - Sonic representation of Soul, Body and Algorithm)

8 Channel audio-installation for DUMIA (www.dumia.org)
18 may 2002 P.zza Reale, Torino, Italy.

"BIG Torino 2002 is dedicated to young artists under
> thirty-five and is opened to all the
> artistic fields: visual arts, theatre, music, dance,
> cinema, architecture, design, fashion,
> writing, gastronomy   and the Internet.
> All the nations of the European Continent can take
> part in BIG Torino with the
> objective to establish a common ground of
> understanding, based on young creativity
> within the   context of the entire continent, and to
> strengthen the network of cultural
> collaboration and exchange which has already been
> developed."

> http://www.bigtorino.net/
> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

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