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pimmon - kinetica - janek schaefer - pulled under

pimmon album kinetica on (k-raa-k)3 label is almost
unbelievably good. i really didn't expected to like
this pimmon sound very much (i've heard only 2 of his
albums), but kinetica is definitely worth checking
out, even if you don't like tiny little noisy sounds,
which i don't like much.
but kinetica is beyond noise, glitch, microsound, this
album is fantastic, check it out. 
probably the whole kraak label is fantastic too,... i
don't know, haven't heard anything from them.

also janek schaefer's new album 'pulled under' is
again one of the albums i didn't expect to like much,
but this album is also great. if you can, check it out.

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