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Re: [microsound] photosynthesis

Funny this came up.
I was just fiddling with the raw data manipulation for the past couple of days.

In linux a simple:

cat any-file > /dev/dsp
will make some sound.

My experience is that tif and tga files make sounds that evolve in time in some interesting way.  Mini-compositions if you will.  Some .eps and Adobe Illustrator have some interesting structures.  Text files depend on their content.

Also, PD can read files as raw material.  It's quite fun to play with it.

Also, for those who are on linux.  One way I was able to get raw data into GIMP was to start one process:
cat file.xxx > /dev/dsp
and start a reverse:

cat /dev/dsp > myfile.raw

then run rawtoppm, ppmtotga and GIMP.  Mess with the file, save and cat > /dev/dsp again.


Michal Seta		http://creazone.eworldmusic.com/doc/mis
CreaZone		http://www.creazone.com
No One Receiving	http://creazone.eworldmusic.com/doc/nor

upcoming release:
NOR - "The Release of the Wandering-Eyed Girl"