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Call for Tape Music

The "New" San Francisco Tape Music Center is seeking fixed
electroacoustic works for an upcoming 3-day festival of  tape-only music
August 16-18, 2002 at the Transparent Theater in Berkeley, California

The nSFTMC is a non-funded and non-academic group of composers
dedicated to presenting classic and new audio works within a fixed
medium.  We will be presenting all pieces over a 16+ speaker system that
is able to handle BEAST-style diffusion of stereo works, multi-channel
works, and works in B-format ambisonics.

You can find out more about us, our previous productions, and the kind
music and audio art we like here:


+ completed or in-progress works as:
        audio CD,
        DAT [48k preferred], or
        data CD [ 16-bit; 48k sr preferred; AIFF or WAV format;
                as a multi-channel file or multiple-mono files (with
                channel files and placement clearly labeled!)]

+ composer and performance/program information:
        - please include a hard copy with submission
        - a digital version is also required as:
                link(s) to your web site [preferred],
                on a data CD included with your submission, or
                in an email to tapecenter@xxxxxxxxxxxx
+ postmark deadline: June 3, 2002
        [late submissions will be considered for future festivals]
+ send all materials to:
        New San Francisco Tape Music Center
        545 Valle Vista #4
        Oakland, CA  94610

Any questions or comments can be sent to:
