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pale_mother recordings
Hello everybody,
Danish noise label pale_mother recordings www.mindwerk.dk/pale_mother
is releasing Monobond "Atom Infant" CD-R. The release is limited to
20 copies and comes in a handcraftet cloth-bag. The music of Monobond
is never to decide. It varies upon every album released. The first,
-Terrón Repath- 7" vinyl was minimalistic noise with weird clicking
noises and cut-ups. Then -Thtiles- 3" CD-R was released. On this one,
Monobond presented minimalism again though, but still with original and
wierdness attatched to it not to mention the noise "pulling" it's way from
track 1 to track 3 trying to break through but never really bursts...it is
in control of itself. Then the new album -Atom Infant- presents minimalistic
ambient/noise with more emphasis on the actual mood the listener
will be forced into without having the noise clicking in the mind all the time.
There are, however, noisy elements in -Atom Infant- but very controlled
and delicate. The ambience of the wall of sound this album is building up,
is a bit like Coil: "Worship the glitch" album. Long duration notes and chords
chop through the "speakers" in every mind........To be released: 1st of June, 2002
Vomitus, pale_mother recordings
visit pale_mother recordings at http://www.mindwerk.dk/pale_mother
or mindwerk records at http://www.mindwerk.dk