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Re: [microsound] JMAX & learning

daobra@xxxxxxx wrote:

> that said, are there any tutorials for jMax in particular, i find those that
> come with the appl. not extremely helpful. Or should i look at the PD
> documentation for reference? any pointers are appreciated.

the linux version from the ircam site has a bunch of docs in .html format,
although they're pretty sparse, as well as help for various objects in .jmax
format as per pd-- haven't actually tried these yet so i have no idea if they're
better than those included with the windows build or not.

also go to:   http://artengine.ca/jmax/doc/jmax_reference.html  for a list of
objects and
http://www.mamalala.de for links to the mailing list, info on video integration,
and various patches including tutorials from ircam.   unfortunately the user
base doesn't yet seem to be large enough for there to be any large resources
like pure-data.org
