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Re: [microsound] PD, GEM & Linux [OT]

(note:  I've considered to send this as a private mail to Derek but I thought that other people might be interested in pointers as well.  So excuse [OT] post)

Hi Derek,

first, you should go here:
and subscribe to the mailing list.  The list is rather active lately and lotsa helpful people hang around with lotsa different experiences, OSs, etc.

there's also an email archive (on the same page) so you can search and see if anyone had similar setup/probs.

then check the main site:
and then perhaps:

As far as Linux distros go, it doesn't really matter what you use.  All linux applications (should) run in all distros.  They mostly differ in some configuration details.  Apparently RadHat & Mandrake are easier for beginners (easier to install and configure), I never used SuSe, and I use Debian and find it easier to maintain and update/upgrade (the debian package management rocks!  I was able to upgrade the system + kernel while chatting on IRC! - after that just one reboot and you're in the new system.  Cool, huh?).  Also, it is important nowadays that you have your Linux OS up to date, no matter what distro.

I have been using Linux since 1998 and in the past (nearly) 2 years almost exlusively linux.  Not that I'm supposed be some kind of an inspiration/authority, after all i'm just a nobody, but still.

Anyways, go for it.


On Wed, 22 May 2002 15:20:18 +0200
Derek Holzer <derek@xxxxxx> wrote:

> howdy all,
> looking at taking the deep plunge into Linux as an OS for sound and multimedia. 
> wondering who else out there has gone this route, and what advice they might 
> have to offer.
> i specifically want to run PD and possibly GEM on an Asus laptop [w/ hammerfall 
> DSP card, & a dual-boot setup, so i can 'escape' to win2000 if i need to!]. 
> what flavor of Linux is best for this?
> Red Hat and Mandrake seem common enough, and fairly easy to get up and 
> running... but Suse seems to have a much better collection of multimedia apps. 
> for which versions are PD and GEM most optimized?
> best,
> derek
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