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sad mac studies-MUTEK
Along with playing and showing visuals
thursday may 30 8.30pm
m u t e k montreal @ ex-centris
With kind permission by Stephan Mathieu and EN/OF label director Robert Meijer,
Stephan Mathieu " orange (for Eva-Lucy)" has been released on MUTEK CD 02.
_________________ MUTEK, http://www.mutek.ca
Musique, son et nouvelles technologies / Music, Sound and New Technologies
Montreal - mercredi 29 mai au dimanche 2 juin / May 29 to June 2, 2002
MUTEK 02 CD compilation, 17 tracks, never before...released tracks
Stephan Mathieu, AGF, Ben Nevile, Farben, Radboud Mesn, Hakan LIdbo, Shannon & the Mole, Murcof, Nova Huta, Felix Kubin, Hellothisisalex, Timeblind, vitaminsforyou, dioxyde, Deadbeat, AGF/Dlay, Ghislain Poirier................................................................................... 20 CAN$
MUTEK CD2001 compilation, 13 tracks, 11 never before...released tracks
Akufen, Jonas Bering, Thomas Brinkmann, Goem, Matmos, Closer Music, Dettinger, Ælab, Jetone, Mikael Stavöstrand,Process, Mitchell Akiyama, Gustavo Lamas................................................................................... 20 CAN$
MUTEK Host _#1CD2001
Goem, Gast CD, AElab, Mitchell Akiyama, Richard Chartier, Taylor Deupree, I8u, Goem, Matmos, Richard di Santo, Mikael Stavostrand
................................................................................... 20 CAN$
_________________ORAL, a MUTEK sub-label http://www.oral.qc.ca
(Prices don't include shipping costs; see below)
ORAL #1 : Akufen 01-02, 12", deleted/épuisé
ORAL #2 : Akufen 03-04-05, 12" ................................................................................... 15 CAN$
ORAL_CD#1 : Ælab "Sparks series" s1 * s8p * s8....................................................15 CAN$
ORAL_CDr#1 : VOLT-AA (01) "SILENCE" I8u- Ælab- Alexandre ST-Onge
serie#1 : 50 copies (épuisé / deleted), série #2 : 50 copies .................................................... 15 CAN$
ORAL_CDr#2 : VOLT-AA (02) "la GRILLE" Alexandre Burton-Deadbeat-Ensemble
serie#1 : 50 copies (épuisé / deleted), série #2 : 50 copies .................................................... 15 CAN$
ORAL_CDr#3 : VOLT-AA (03) "APPROPRIATION" Jetone-Helen of Troy-Martin Tétreault
serie#1 : 50 copies .................................................... 15 CAN$
ORAL_CDr#4 : Ælab "Hex"
serie#1 LIMITED :100 copies .................................................... 15 CAN$
ORAL_CDr#5 : Nancy Tobin "Cruel mystère"
serie#1 LIMITED :100 copies .................................................... 15 CAN$
ORAL_CDr#6 : Brinkmann Nikolai Petitgand
LIMITED (6 unreleased tracks, never to be reprinted) : 111 copies .................................................... 25 CAN$
ORAL_CDr#7 : Tlon "Morphine Valley"
serie#1 LIMITED :100 copies................................................... 15 CAN$
ORAL_CDr#7 : GUstavo Lamas "Desatanudos"
LIMITED (6 unreleased tracks, never to be reprinted) : 111 copies .................................................... 25 CAN$
Shipping costs:
CAN$ 7.00 for the first item
CAN$ 1.00 for each additional item
CAN$ 9.00 for the first item
CAN$ 2.00 for each additional
_________________BILY KÜN http://www.bilykun.com
a bar, Djs, minimal and experimental electronics, performances and absinth