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mutek just as you're missing it, part 1/4
out of sheer desire for public involvement, i have decided to grant all the
non-montrealers with the real deal as to what is going on in the worldwide
capital of sin(e waves), glitch & cute girls. for 5 days the city is going
to groove to forbidding tones & shudder in complex intellectual poses. my
own self-assessed goal thus is to report directly, on a daily basis, in
order to keep is as real as real is, & such forth. so i'll (also) keep it
short or everybody's going to get bored quickly. now, if the festival
lasts 5 days, why make it a 4-part thing? well, the reason is that i will
be in québec on the last day. which is the techno night if i understand
well, & isn't that convenient.
i arrived late at the *personal & non-transferable* mutek cocktail, for
important people only. i used this time to practice my social skills &
"talk business" like the real boys. you know you've got a lot to emulate,
kid, if you wanna go somewhere. okay, what i really gathered from this
cocktail were 2 free beers (despite what they say about free beer!) & my
passport for the rest of the event, so there. akufen's set was
ridiculously groovy & not very serious. which was quite appropriate given
the casual atmosphere.
but who am i, teasing the friendly crowd of the insiders, you know that the
real deal is the music & mutek has some little jewels to offer on this
edition. we've got some visit from "the rest of canada" this year. one of
these is vitaminsforyou, which is one guy, his laptop & his mixer. he
opened the festival with a honest set. he had a good thing going with his
mixture of IDM & microsound, & i might have not been the best public for
it. i thought there could have been something more, but what? the sound
itself however is quite intense, some bass pulses really got inside
me. amazing wooden floor, i must say.
i really much preffered snd, & anyway i was looking forward to hear
them. i don't like every single piece that they did but i like their
methods. tonight they were doing it real-time, creating the song as it
went, & the results were ambivalent: either it was stellar, or it was
nice-sounding dross. they did things they don't do on CD (that i heard),
like incorporating long backgrounds of sounds, or building songs mostly out
of loud bass drums (to an amazing result, i must say.) at first it didn't
seem to be going anywhere but as soon as it picked up i really enjoyed it &
it was quite the caliber i was expecting from snd.
the next 2 installments had video in them. the first, by a montréal duo
named dioxyde, was by far the highlight. i never heard about these people,
but their video was so good i barely paid any attention to the music; it
seemed more as though the image was controlling the sound than the other
way around (which is what was actually happening.) put simply, it was
improvisation & it gave me the same sort of intense sensorial pleasure as
watching a good norman mclaren film does. the sounds would have been
ordinary out of this context; here, they complement the images very
nicely. it only started getting less interesting when the same shapes &
effects begun to reappear in the last piece/movie, but that piece
incidentally was more interesting on the sonic side, so it wasn't
completely wasted.
lastly, after some technical problems, the mens/koolwyk duo started. here
the video was decidedly more simple & oldschool, looking more like ascii
effects (think jodi.org with a 1000% zoom...) i must say it was actually
quite cool, but overall it was much more repetitive & accessory than
dioxyde's, so one had to rely on the music... & the music was this sort of
murky 4/4 thing which i didn't really get into. anyway, my last beer was
finished, so i decided it was time to go check what the next show at the
SAT was like. upon leaving the ex-centris complex i found that it was
raining like crazy so i decided it was really time to go to the comfort of
my flat. because of the unfortunate delays at ex-centris it was already
too late for hellothisisalex anyway.
tomorrow: i'll be missing the free 5 PM show. please don't take it
personally, i have a vernissage to attend. i'll try to make it in time for
duul_drv, who plays last, & who doesn't come to montréal too often. the
8:30 PM show (helen of troy, ghislain poirier, stephan mathieu, janek
schaefer) is the highlight for me, though i suspect it will be
"atmospheric" it should not be "soporific". this is followed by a 11 PM
show with solvent vs lowfish, bola & ensemble (in lieu of "gescom
djs"). bring your berlitz autechre pronunciation guides!!@#
have a nice day
~ david