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SuperCollider, MM Director Workshops and "Beyond Noise" conference at UCSB, July 29-August 1, 2002

                 Computer Music and Digital Arts Week
                         July 29-August 3, 2002            
             University of California, Santa Barbara  

July 29-August 1 2002: 
             SuperCollider and Macromedia Director Workshops
August 1-3, 2002: 
                 Conference and Festival: Beyond Noise

                         Detailed information: 

Monday, July 29 - Thursday, August 1: Four day workshops and
tutorials on SuperCollider and Macromedia Director

Instructors: Alberto de Campo, Stephen Pope, Andi Schlegel and Ioannis

Special Lecture: Curtis Roads: "Microsound" 
Special events: Workshop on SuperCollider source code

SuperCollider and Macromedia Director belong to the most advanced
state-of-the art tools for computer music and media art.
SuperCollider is the preferred sound design tool for many composers,
and as of May 2002 it is available free of charge on the Web
(http://www.audiosynth.com). Four-day intensive tutorials and
workshops will offer a hands-on introduction for beginners as well
addressing specific topics for advanced users. In addition to
lectures by experienced practitioners there will be laboratory
sessions for developing your projects with expert assistance.
Students are encouraged to bring in project material or ideas for
realization within the workshop. Techniques for audiovisual
installations involving camera tracking and communication between
SuperCollider and Director will be introduced. All three workshops
will take place in parallel and last for the entire four days.
Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptops for working
independently on the course material.  James McCartney, the 
programmer of SuperCollider is invited to participate and
receive an award for his development of this software

Note: The course will be taught entirely on Apple Macintosh computers.

1. SuperCollider Basic Tutorial: Learn how to program music and audio
in SuperCollider

This course is geared towards beginners with very little or no
programming experience. It is a hands-on course with examples that
participants will be able to work on using either classroom
workstations or their own macintosh computers. It will first
introduce the basics of using the SuperCollider software and then
systematically cover the fundamental aspects of sound synthesis,
sound processing from disc and from live input, Graphical User
Interface construction, MIDI handling and interactive control
techniques, and programming event (note) structures with
quasi-musical parameters as coded in the "Pattern" class library of
SuperCollider. Finally, free creative exploration of the software
will be encouraged through mini-projects at the end of the tutorial.

2. SuperCollider Advanced Workshop: Advanced techniques in
interaction, GUI development, networking, algorithmic composition
and sound synthesis with Supercollider

Intermediate or experienced SuperCollider programmers as well as
those with a background in other sound programming software can
profit from this course. The course will explore advanced issues
such as patterns, programming gui for complex interaction, networked
live performance via OSC and MIDI. It will be based on a collection
of libraries from existing contributions to SuperCollider as well as
software developed by the instructors.  We will cover several
libraries and explore a significant number of sound patches,
discussing their combination, tweaking and optimization.

3. Macromedia Director Tutorial and Workshop: Programing interactive
art, communicating between graphics (Director) and sound
(SuperCollider) via OSC and their applications in interactive
installations employing camera -tracking techniques.

This will cover basic usage of Director, intermediate and advanced
programming with Lingo and development of intermedia applications 
using OSC. 

Registration: Participation to any one workshop costs $200. Please pay
by check, cash or money order to: "UC Regents".

Location: Center for Research in Electronic Art Technology (CREATE),
University of California at Santa Barbara.
UCSB, Music Department, 

Phone: (805) 893 8352 (Ioannis Zannos)
Fax: (805) 893 7194 (Music Dept. / attn. CREATE, Ioannis Zannos)

Center For Research in Electronic Art Technology
Department of Music and Media Arts and Technology Program
University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA


1-3 August, 2002: 
Conference: "Beyond Noise - Acoustic, Technical and Metaphorical
Aspects of Noise in Music and Visual Arts"

Call for Works and Papers

The concept of noise has played an important role in the recent
decades both in the creation of and reflection on music. In the
mid-eighties it appeared as the name for a new genre of electronic
music, while at the same time it appeared on the title of an
influential book by Jacques Attali ("Bruits: essai sur l'économie
politique de la musique", 1977, English translation: "Noise: The
Political Economy of Music", 1985). As a result of these and other
discourses, noise became closely associated with radical aesthetics,
interaction (human-human, human-machine and machine-machine),
indeterminacy, and system dynamics. The conference and festival will
address the concept of noise in time-based media arts (music, media
art, film) jointly in its sociopolitical, aesthetic and technical
dimensions and will examine its role in the future of music-making
and in the emerging fusion of visual with auditory dimensions in

Composers, ethnomusicologists, media and culture theorists and
psychoacoustics experts are invited to discuss ways of reaching
beyond noise conceptually technically, and stylistically. The word
"beyond" is understood in all its implications. That is:
transcending or leaving current notions or ways of dealing with
noise behind, building on or developing them further, but also
exploring the laws underlying the synthesis and perception of noise,
interaction and indeterminacy and finally the role of noise in both
electronic and acoustic musics from diverse cultures. Areas for
submission of abstracts and works are:

- Noise in electronic and acoustic music
- Noise in interactive digital arts, installations and human/machine
- Visual noise, noise in cinema and video, noise and atmosphere, noise
  and repression
- Semiotic dimensions of noise
- Noise and timbre: Synthesis techniques
- Noise as timbre: Perceptual issues and principles
- Noise and interfaces: Indeterminacy and control factors in
  interfaces for computer music performance
- Noise and Interaction: Indeterminacy and feedback in improvised
  computer music
- Noise as stylistic or compositional element
- Noise and "anti-noise": "Signal to noise" ratio, noise (or chaos)
  vs. order, low-frequency and low-amplitude noise, noise and silence.

Submissions: Papers: Abstracts of up to 400 words should be
submitted in plain text per email to beyondnoise@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx by
July 1st. Works: Work submissions should include a brief description
(1 to 4 pages) and a recording of the work itself on CD, ADAT, DVD
or NTSC format Video.

Registration fees for the conference: $80 (non-student), $50 (student)
Please pay by check or money order to: UC Regents.

iani@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Ioannis Zannos)
Phone: (805) 893 8352 
Fax: (805) 893 7194 

CREATE Department of Music and Media Arts and Technology Program
University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA

Conference Organizers: 
Nina Fales (Ethnomusicology Program, Music Department)
Lisa Parks (Department of Film Studies) parks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ioannis Zannos (CREATE) iani@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, telephone (805) 893-8352 