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Re: [microsound] another satisfied customer

i have been listening to music for over 25 years,and by listening i realy mean listening with eyes closed and full concentration. And i consider myself lucky to be able to understand a lot of musical styles. For the last few years it's microsound that does the trick. I dont care what people call it. art, music, sound, noise or whatever, to me i doesn't make a difference "as long as it is REAL".and by real i mean that all rubish is getting out of my head and there's only the music (sound).

just to say it in simple terms: if it brings me in to the NOW, this moment, no future no past. and there are many kinds of music that can do it: stockhausen, pimmon, coltrane, H3O, main, pita, crank, zoviet-france.....and many others.
for the last 4 months i have been listening to natural sounds, frogs crickets, cicadas etc. ('couse i'm living in the thai-jungle and my cd-player got stolen (luckyly the bastard dident take my cd's))

most people just want to be "entertained" and have no sense of art.

From: "marc@earphone" <earphone@xxxxxxx>
Reply-To: microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [microsound] another satisfied customer