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bufferfuct feedback
Everybody wanted feedback from bufferfuct pieces...
so I've decided to start now, even if the project is not closed
....I couldn't wait :)
Here are my brief bufferfuct opinions (in no particular order)::
"+" stands for the good things
"-" for the bad
REMEMBER: these are just my very humble opinions.
title: B-F-Egypt
contact: pelagius <pela_gius@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+ wonderful microsounds. Especially in the second part of the
song with that sort of a high freq. bird singing. This is one
of the best song submitted.
- nothing negative.
title: buffer_brainfuct
contact: brain <brain@xxxxxxxx>
+ has very good low frequencies blowing your stomach away if
listend at (very) high volume (you should try it believe me).
- sometimes the low frequencies sounds are too high in volume.
title: brianlavelle_turtleFoddler
contact: brian lavelle <brian@xxxxxxxx>
+ I love this time-stretching pieces. I know this technique is
quite old etc but I love it. And the whole sound is very
flowing. This is another one of the best song submitted.
- nothing negative.
title: bufferFuct_pHarmanaut_butterflutt
contact: The pHarmanaut <pharmanaut@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+ I like the way in which different sounds layer are added and
subtracted during the song.
- I think it lacks of heart. Don't like that "helicpoter" sound.
title: butterfuct_craig_s_cough.mp3
contact: c | s <w111cms@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+ Really wonderful micro-song. I love those sounds, it's like
when you beat the guitar or piano strings with a drum stick.
This is one of the best song submitted.
- nothing negative. (I'd have added other strings-like sounds at
the end)
title: Buttertucf
contact: DJ Aural Kerry Uchida <kerry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+ Good saturated microsounds.
- It's a little boring.
title: Dumbfucted (the remix of the above song?)
contact: DJ Aural Kerry Uchida <kerry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+ It's really better that the previous. Love that hiss/long-wave
radio noises. Also like "the leading vocals".
- It's still too long.
title: glenn_bach_mediator_of_memory
contact: Glenn Bach <gbach@xxxxxxxxx>
+ This song has heart. This is one of the most beautiful mp3
- I'd have made it last 3':33'' to reach perfection.
title: oksuitcase_processing.mp3
contact: andre "gonçalves" <oksuitcase@xxxxxxxxx>
+ I really like the way in which silence alternates with noise.
This song has a really good structure... it gaves me the idea
of a mathematical serie.
- I'd have added more silence in the middle.
title: bufferFuct_kiritchenko_strip
contact: Andrey Kiritchenko <nexsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+ The first part of the song is very amusing.
- The second part of the songs gets too much noisy in a
meaningless way.
title: two travellers
contact: --- ---- <blove666@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+ Really nice sound design especially after 3'. Really a good
- I'm not able to see one of the two travellers :)
title: bufferfuct_stereolisa
contact: edo <edo@xxxxxxx>
+ I really like the background sounds and also the foreground
"pattern" is not annoying. A nice pleasant song.
- nothing negative.
title: zufuhrduct
contact: eM <eM@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+ very good background reverberated sounds and cracks.
- I don't like the "foreground" sound... a different
equalization/filtering would have helped.
title: essband_serifrot
contact: essband
+ Really a good song with a sort of minimal melody line.
- Some sounds sound "closed"; it lacks of high freq.
title: bufferfuct_Gydja_zone
contact: abby <rokkrx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+ Amusing hi freq microsounds! Like beeing in a jungle! This is
one of the best songs submitted.
- Nothing negative.
title: enduser
contact: Jon Irving <zush@xxxxxxxxx>
+ This song is one of the best. It's really good also because it
only lasts 2'17''.
- I'd have developed the first 30 seconds.
title: OneGiantPinscher
contact: John Reading <jreading@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
+ I like that sound like a Ferrari F1 running.
- I'm sorry but I don't like this piece. It's good but it's
boring... just MHO
title: logickal_Bufrfryq
contact: logickal_
+ Really good groove. I'd like to hear this live at loud volume.
- Nothing negative.
title: bufferisolato
contact: logoplasm
+ wonderful micro lo-freq sounds. .dreaming.
- .
title: marc_mcnulty__rending
contact: marc@earphone" <earphone@xxxxxxx>
+ again wonderful micro lo-freq sounds. .keep on dreaming. I'd
love to hear this live at very high volume.
- .
title: gramma
contact: michael sellam . michael@xxxxxxxxxxxx
+ I like the "quiet" morse code parts.
- Don't like too much the noisy parts.
title: new
contact: mar.ch
+ Lovely background sounds. Listen around 2'10'' at max volume:
amazing! This is a nice song.
- I'd have developed the 2'10'' part rather then reprising the
initial groove.
title: mkhemma_recut_b_fuff
contact: Mark Khemma <mkhemma@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+ the second half is amusing with its groove and that harp and
- the first part sounds "old" ... like a Pierre Schaeffer in the
80's... I don't know why it gaves me this sensation! :)
title: mprims_ColdBufu
contact: mprims
+ good after 1'45''. I like the reflected sound in the second
part of the song.
- before 1'45' is boring/lack of heart
title: float
contact: nick alexander
+ nothing
- sorry but I really don't like that didgeridoo. It's a matter of
title: thelastmuseum
contact: num john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
+ good groovy song! and good basses too! One of the most
beautiful submitted.
- beginning.
title: py_mikrogeluid
contact: paulyates paul.r.yates@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
+ the second part has a good low freq sound
- the foreground sound that lasts for all the song is boring.
Lack of heart.
title: fffuct_sawako
contact: sawako - sa_os@xxxxxxxxxxx
+ One of the best songs submitted; I love those sounds after
0'46''. I also love the fact that it lasts less than 2 mins.
- The beginning.
title: dufferFugt
contact: SISA /___@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
+ Lovely hi-freq sounds. Second half is good with that sort
of melody and good noises.
- That repeating sound coming from left speaker.
title: tofu_flufferbucknaked
contact: tofu <tofu@xxxxxxx>
+ One of the best songs. This has heart. Lovely melody and
harmony. Congratulation!
- .
title: tu_m may
contact: tu_m
+ this also has heart. Very amusing harmony. I think I'll burn
this song to a CD-R ... this is one of those songs to listen
with walkman while walking. One of the best songs submitted.
- nothing. well meaybe the sound of the reverb... I'd have added
more high cut.
title: bF_umbrelluv_fluff
contact: Umbrelluv
+ A beautifil song with harmony (especially after 0:40). One of
the best.
- nothing.
title: yituey_bufornicacion
contact: claudio chea <yituey@xxxxxxxxxx>
+ wonderful pouring-the-water sounds and good noises.
- nothing. maybe too long.
and finally I review my piece ...I should admitt that I don't like it so
much ::
title: bufferfly
contact: e.g.ø <glere@xxxxxxxxx>
+ Really good low frequencies especially if listened at very high
volume. It has a sort of a melody and harmony. I hope it has
- It sounds "closed"; sounds are not well mixed and there is a
lack of very high frequencies.
here are all the files reviewed ::
######DJ Aural/Buttertucf.mp3 and Dumbfucted.mp3
I'm sorry but I haven't found the email address for each partecipant.
Sorry for my English and feel free to write me.