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Re: [microsound] kyma

I am working with Kyma, SuperCollider, Max/MSP (a little), and Reaktor,

If you are into Sounddesign, specially Sample-based and mixtures of Samples
and synthesized sounds, Kyma is wonderfull. It sounds great and you can very
easy create virtual control-interface. You can build every kind of personal
modular sound-design-patches, which you can use then again as modules for
other patches. On a pure sound-design level you don't need much
programming-knowledge; for algorithmic compsition you must learn SmallTalk.
The Kyma-people are very supportive. I never waited longer than a day for
response to any! question. also the resolution of the different parameters
are awesome.

Reaktor is really great for creating virtual analog stuff but I prefer Kyma
for Sample-based work, like morphing, vocoding, and working with
frequnece-analysis. Also Reaktor has a very special sound which I don't like
for all compositions.

MSP is not sounding as good as Kyma or SuperCollider and not as
cpu-effective as SC.

SuperCollider is more abstract as language, but has a very sophisticated
language for algorithmic compsition.(and it is free sice a week)
It is harder to learn but is quite the same level as Kyma sound-wise
I use SC mostly for algorithmic composition. SC has also a wonderful
user-list with very experienced deep-level-users.
feel free to ask if you want more infos.

> From: "Polyhex ." <dsp_remote@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Reply-To: microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>