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Re: [microsound] mutek 2002/ re: [microsound] Further (rambling)
On 06/06/02 18:00, stephan mathieu said in living color:
>> Next was a long choral-ish tune bathing in F minor/A flat major. The only
>> sounds used had an organ quality to them -- or, more precisely, some sort of
>> mini-organ.
> the piece i used as a source was a part of händels A minor sonata for violin
> and harpsichord, the original piece and its reversed version played through a
> patch by david stevens.
> i made this recording some days ago here at the local university for music
> with silke dawo on violin and franz simmer on harpsichord.
> in fact i think its pretty unimportant which source i used, at the moment i'm
> simply working with this baroque stuff for a specific event and i really enjoy
> doing so. and every once in a while i speak about what i'm doing so thats why
> händel became a suject after my concert.
See, tobias, I figured it was that one that was the Handel piece, not the
last one... ;)
>> At first, I thought this was cool. There was a nostalgic
>> atmosphere to the music due to all the suspensions (I think that's the word
>> in English -- we say "retards" in French) taking some time to resolve on
>> tonic chords. There were several simultaneous voices, moving in a somewhat
>> independent manner -- "Wow, some counterpoint!", I told myself, surprised.
> i never knew what a counterpoint is and honestly i never wanted to know, even
> more i avoided to learn a lot of things because i believe very much in a
> development coming from ones self, making your own rules or more finding your
> own way of doing, seeing, expiriencing things. this is something i'm trying to
> shelter. also, in general i dont think about breaking rules.
OK, if you don't want to know, I'm not going into tentative lecturing
mode... ;)
Your attitude towards music and learning seems to be very different from
mine; perhaps that counts among the underlying reasons why I didn't really
connect to your music...
>> My position is that
>> when a musician does music where the harmonic parameter occupies a
>> significant function, especially in a tonal realm, he ought to know the
>> resources/limitations of this material. I don't mind if he disregards
>> canonical practice of some epoch or another. But it *really* shows when a
>> musician is working with this parameter in a completely clueless way.
> now this parameter is completely strange to me.
What a strange thing to say... ;)
> ...
>> Janek Schaefer
> ...
> ...
>> Totally mind-blowing, my-head-exploding music-making.
> i agree, janeks set was very good (you've missed the visuals, guillaume).
> but take a look at this guy - he even wears a crown hairdo*
Sorry about the visuals... I realized I forgot to talk about them after
sending the message. I must admit I didn't pay that much attention to them
anyway, being so engulfed in the music.
Guillaume Grenier - gollum@xxxxxxxxxxxx
in space there is no north in space there is no south
in space there is no east in space there is no west